


Through Jesus we love, we learn and we grow together.
RE Inspection Report March 2023
St Peter’s RC Primary is a school where the Christian ethos underpins all that we do. “The school has a strong and caring ethos where children are encouraged and enabled to become the best they can be”. S48 (March 2015):

St Peter’s RC was rated as Good in the S48 section (March 2015) and demonstrated aspects of outstanding. We live and work by our Christian values and they underpin all relationships within the school and its community. These encourage community spirit and provide children with the guidance to develop a moral compass based on the teachings of Jesus, within themselves and to act as fine, young citizens. Our school Christian ethos shines through all that we do and it is integral to the culture at St Peters.

Good News!

We have achieved the participator level of the Oscar Romero Award.

First Holy Communion

Please pray for these children who will be making their First Holy Communion this year.
Congratulations to these children who made their First Holy Communion at St. Peter's Church on Sunday 11th June 2023. 

Pupil Chaplains 2022-23
Pupil Chaplains

The pupil chaplains support the Catholic life and mission of the school. They provide pastoral care for other children, assist with the prayer life of the school, give joyful witness of Christ and help to organise events enabling us to put our faith into action.

Community Kitchen

Thanks to a grant from Babcock, we held our first Community kitchen on the evening of Thursday 1st December and a second on February 10th. We served hot meals, drinks and deserts as well as offering food to take away to people in our local and school community.